Welcome to the Cariology Research Group
Founded in 1976, the Cariology Research Group (CRG) is one of the numerous scientific groups of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR). The primary purpose is to promote research on the etiology, epidemiology, risk assessment, pathogenesis, genetics, diagnosis, prevention, and management of dental caries. Furthermore, the CRG supports and provides a forum for research on non-carious lesions (dental erosion and abrasion), anti-caries therapeutic agents (fluorides and others), and community and public health programs with a focus on dental caries.
The CRG is an attractive home for a broad spectrum of scientists and inter, multi and transdisciplinary research teams. The CRG organizes scientific posters, oral presentations, symposia, workshops, and "Lunch and Learn" sessions at IADR meetings. Moreover, the CRG rewards outstanding scientific contributions through two awards – the IADR Basil Bibby Young Investigator Award and the IADR Cariology Research Group Travel Award, judged by a fair and transparent mechanism.
The CRG also organizes an annual, social event during the annual IADR meeting and embraces social media to communicate and interact with its members. We are open to all IADR members – students, researchers from both academic and industrial settings, and dental professionals. We hope that everyone finds in the CRG a welcoming niche to learn from each other, create new collaborations and networking, and to disseminate and discuss research findings.