About Us
The mission of the Pediatric Oral Health Research (POHR) Group is to promote and encourage research in pediatric oral health. The Group works to 1) advance research in pediatric oral health research; 2) promote an interdisciplinary approach to the conduct of observational, investigational, and translational research in pediatric oral health research; and 3) provide an international and cooperative forum to present and discuss pediatric oral health research. The Group is working toward sponsorship and the development of workshops, and Lunch & Learning sessions at IADR meetings, in addition to rewarding outstanding contributions in its scientific area, organizing social events at IADR meetings, and interacting with the leadership of IADR on many levels. POHR often works with other Groups to co-sponsor scientific symposia and poster and oral presentation sessions. Members of POHR also are selected frequently to present or give posters in scientific sessions wholly sponsored by other Groups.