Welcome to the Prosthodontics Group
The objectives of the Prosthodontics Group are to provide a forum for the exchange of interdisciplinary scientific information in pertaining in prosthodontics and to promote prosthodontics research, particularly among emerging young prosthodontic researchers and teachers. Prosthodontics is a dynamic research field spanning from in vitro laboratory research, animal research, theoretical engineering, clinical research and epidemiology. The research topics covered in this Group are, but not limited to: prosthodontic-related materials, cariology, implant dentistry, tissue engineering, and quality of life. Additionally, the Group conducts three types of research competition for student/members.
2024-2025 AADOCR/IADR Prosthodontics Group Leadership
Prosthodontics Research Group President

Prosthodontics Group Immediate Past President

Prosthodontics Group President-elect

Prosthodontics Group Vice President

Prosthodontics Group Secretary/Treasurer

Prosthodontics Group Councilor

Award Chair, IADR Prosthodontics Research Group Pre-Prosthetic Regenerative Science Award for Young Investigators, and Prosthodontics Group Director

Award Chair, IADR Prosthodontics Research Group – The Neal Garrett Clinical Research Prize