
George Simpson Beagrie, D.D.S., D.Sc
The Fifty-fourth President of IADR, 1977-78

Image of George Simpson Beagrie

Born September 14, 1925, Peterhead, Scotland
Deceased March 3, 2023.

In Memoriam
J Dent Res 102(7): 705-706, 2023.

Inaugural Address delivered at Copenhagen, Denmark, March 31, 1977:
"Why Research?"
J Dent Res 56(Spec Iss D):D6-D9, 1977

  • University of Edinburgh Dental School, 1963-68
  • University of Toronto Dental School, 1968-1978
  • University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, 1978-88
  • UBC, Dean emeritus, 1989