
J.M. Ten Cate, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.
The Eighty-fifth President of IADR, 2008-09

Image of J.M. Ten Cate

Inaugural address delivered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 2, 2008
"Why Another Meeting"
J Dent Res 87(7):779, 2008

  • Professor of Experimental Preventive Dentistry, Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1985-Present
  • Head, Department Cariology and Endodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, ACTA, 1986-1993
  • Vice Dean, ACTA, 1993-2000
  • Director of Research, ACTA, 2000-2006
  • Professor, Experimental Preventive Dentistry Cariology, Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  • Academy Professor, Royal Academy for Arts and Sciences, the Netherlands, 2007-Present


  • B.Sc., Chemistry and Physics, State University of Groningen, 1971
  • M.Sc., Physical Chemistry, Crystallography and Polymer Chemistry, State University of Groningen, 1974
  • Ph.D., Thesis: Remineralization of enamel lesions, a study of the physicochemical Mechanism, State University of Groningen, 1979