Born January 7, 1938, London, England
Died March 31, 2023
In Memoriam
J Dent Res 102(10):1073-1077, 2023
Inaugural Address delivered at San Francisco, CA, March 13, 1996:
"If Not Us, Then Who?"
J Dent Res 75(6):1336-1337, 1996
- Royal Dental Hospital, London, England, 1962-75
- University of California, San Francisco, School of Dentistry, 1976-Present
- UCSF, Director, Oral AIDS Center, 1992-Present
- Senior Editor, Oral Diseases, 1994-98
- Professor and Associate Dean for Global Oral Health
- Associate Dean for Research of the School of Dentistry, 2001-2014
- Distinguished Professor of Pathology, School of Medicine
- UCSF School of Dentistry, Department of Orofacial Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA, Attending Pathologist, UCSF Medical Center
- American Association for Dental Research Distinguished Scientist Award, 2010
- UCSF, Associate Dean and Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Oral Pathology 2014