
Joseph F. Volker, D.D.S., M.S., Ph.D.
The Thirty-third President of IADR, 1956-57

Image of Joseph F. Volker

Born March 9, 1913, Elizabeth, New Jersey, USA
Died 3 May 1989

In Memoriam 
J Dent Res 68: 1792, 1989

Inaugural Address delivered at St. Louis, March 24, 1956:
"The Life of Magitot"
(not printed, but cited J Dent Res 35: 817, 1956)

  • Tufts University School of Dental Medicine
    Dean, 1947-48
  • President, Alabama Academy of Science, 1953-54
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham: Dean, School of Dentistry, 1948-62
    Director of Research (& Graduate Studies), Medical Center, 1955-65
    Vice-President, Health Affairs, 1962-66
    Director, Medical Center, 1966-68
    Executive Vice-President, 1968-69
    President, 1969-
  • Director, Arizona Medical School Study, 1960-61