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Methodological Issues in Oral Health Research Conference


Outside event


University of Bern, Switzerland

It is with great pleasure that I invite you to the 10th Congress in Methodological Issues in Oral Health Research that will be held in Bern, Switzerland, September 2024. 

This congress will build on the tradition of the previous congresses and will provide the opportunity for the participants to learn the latest trends in approaches to improve the quality of oral health research. Professor Declerk will discuss the current status of the research in oral health in “Oral
health: some critical reflections”. As most of the published studies in Oral Health are observational, it is important that those studies are conducted in a manner that assures that they are both valid and useful to the patient. Professor Zwahlen will discuss observational studies in “Preventing immortal time and other biases in observational studies via the target trial methodology”.

Clinical decisions should utilize all available evidence, that under certain conditions, can be quantitatively combined to provide more precise estimates of treatment effects and resolve possible controversies arising from individual studies. Modern evidence synthesis approaches will be presented by Professor Mavridis in “Pairwise and network meta-analysis”. A relatively recent development is our understanding of the lack of reproducibility and replicability in biomedical research and the unfortunate consequence of research waste. These topics will be addressed by Professor Held in “Issues in Reproducibility and Replicability” and Professor Jakubovics in “Quality and equality in dental research: Perspective from the Journal of Dental Research”.

Researchers and students will have the opportunity to present their work in short oral presentations or posters.

Bern is a beautiful, medieval UNESCO heritage city, easily accessible in the heart of Europe. It has an interesting history and idyllic sights within the city limits and surrounding areas. September is an ideal month to visit to combine science with pleasure!

I am looking forward to welcoming you to this valuable event.