IADR Education Research Group Best Presentation Awards
The Education Research Group (ERG) Best Presentation Awards are given to the oral or poster presentation judged to be the best in the ERG sessions at the Annual General Session and Exhibition of the International Association for Dental, Oral, Craniofacial Research (IADR). Usually one award is given to the best student presentation and one award to the best faculty presentation. Presentations are judged by ERG members.
- Faculty Award: $600
- Student Award: $400
Applications Open:
Aug 01, 2024
Applications Closed:
Jan 24, 2025
- Must be a member of the ERG. Student (Undergraduate or postgraduate), OR Faculty Member.
Education Research Group Best Student Presentation Award
The purpose of the award is to encourage and disseminate education related research. An award of $400 will be presented to an enrolled student (undergraduate or postgraduate) who is the primary contributor to the research and presents this as an abstract, oral or poster, at an ERG session during the annual IADR meeting. Presentations are judged by a panel of ERG members and an award is made only if it is determined a presentation demonstrates sufficient merit.
Education Research Group Best Faculty Presentation Award
The purpose of the Award is to encourage and disseminate education related research. An award of $600 will be given to a faculty member who is the primary contributor to the research and presents this as an abstract, oral or poster, at an ERG session during the annual IADR meeting. Presentations are judged by a panel of ERG members and an award is made only if it is determined a presentation demonstrates sufficient merit.
Questions about the award?