Research Publications

JDR Clinical & Translational Research

This peer-reviewed journal, publishing quarterly, encompasses all areas of clinical and translational research in the dental, oral, and craniofacial sciences. The journal is dedicated to publishing original research at the interface between discovery science and clinical application, with the translation of research into healthcare delivery systems at the individual patient, clinical practice, and community level.

JDR Clinical & Translational Research is a journal designed for IADR members and other oral health research leaders effectively translate their findings to those who need the information to deliver evidence-based prevention and care through publication.

With a focus on the most relevant and pressing topics in the field of oral health, IADR/AADOCR’s JDR Clinical & Translational Research publication with a focuses on translational knowledge that explicitly draws connections between diverse areas of research, stakeholders, policymakers, and public interest.

JDR Clinical & Translational Research provides an opportunity for IADR members and other oral health research leaders to reach practitioners and the public, and quickly impact oral health. Publishing important, groundbreaking original craniofacial, oral and dental research has always been the key to health science advancements; now, by translating that research into clear, quick clinical application, we can emphasize how findings benefit the community and provide well-defined, relatable information to policymakers.

JDR Clinical & Translational Research holds a 2-Year Journal Impact Factor of 2.2 and ranks #52 of 157 journals in the “Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine” category.

Follow the JDR CTR on Twitter at @JDRClinTransRes!

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  1. Credibility: Your work will be published with other reports of high quality, rigorously conducted clinical and translational research studies.
  2. Recognition: Your work will be read by top international experts in your field, stimulating interest, discussion and collaboration.
  3. Impact: The results of your work will be shared with those who can use them to improve health.
  4. Efficiency: Rapid review process.

Read the instructions for authors and submit to the JDR CTR.

In this video, Editor-in-chief Jocelyne Feine discusses the goals of JDR CTR, the participatory elements of the publication and how authors of original research can get involved.

Do you need more information about IADR publications?

Kourtney Skinner

Director, Meetings and Scientific Content

Email me